Photography Update and Practice Telephoto Shots for 5-23-15

I am getting back into my photography, finally. I am trying to make time every day to learn new methods, practice, edit or read up on the masters.
I am ready to pick up my camera and ready to grow in this direction again. I have created a dedicated space to practice and have been spending at least some time each day focusing on photography.
I feel rusty right now. I have many ideas on what I want to create, but haven't created. I know that I want to experience that thrill again. Printing photos for my first show and seeing stranger's reactions to them was an important moment in my life. I am still overjoyed and honored with the knowledge that people loved my work enough to purchase it. A blessing.
That blessing has lead to a few additional projects that I'm working on now. I can't wait to share more when they are ready.
So for now, I am practicing and sharing my lessons learned on the blog. Join me on my journey and connect if you want to grow together. I'm always looking for collaborators.
~ S